Bordertool 2 pearlescent
Bordertool 2 pearlescent


These will appear only while playing in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.


The first set of Pearlescent weapons is included in the first Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade pack. They require at least one of the Ultimate Vault Hunter upgrade packs in order to spawn. In Tales from the Borderlands, Finch uses the Unkempt Harold. Borderlands 2 In Borderlands 2, Pearlescent weapons appear at the highest difficulty levels.In the game files, the Unkempt Harold is referred to as "Calla", another reference to the film Dirty Harry, the protagonist of which is called Harry Callahan.Oddly enough, Harry Callahan's revolver was a Smith and Wesson 29, which is chambered in. 357 S&W Magnum cartridge whose introduction began the "Magnum" era of handgun ammunition. The gun's spread pattern (3-5-7) is a reference to the.After the film's first shootout scene, Dirty Harry holds his gun on a bank robber and says, "Now I know what you're thinking.


Both the name of the gun and the flavor text are references to the 1971 movie Dirty Harry.The name "Unkempt Harold" is a variation on Dirty Harry.Secondary projectiles receive 70% grenade damage bonuses on their splash damage. The Unkempt Harold's central projectile receives an additional 100% splash damage, which is boosted by grenade damage bonuses.


  • Because the additional projectiles are not listed on the item card, each receives full amp damage from amp shields.
  • bordertool 2 pearlescent

    Unlike other pistols with a dual projectiles accessory that fire a random pattern, the second volley of a Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold will travel directly below the aimed shot in parallel fashion, or sometimes with an 'X' pattern under the right circumstances.An Unkempt Harold with the "Double Penetrating" prefix will fire two spreads with one shot, consuming 6 ammo per shot.The more accurate it is, the later the shots will split. The time the shots split is dependent on the accuracy of this gun.

    bordertool 2 pearlescent

    Zer0 can make excellent use of the Unkempt Harold as Vel0city can boost projectile speed, critical hit damage and overall damage to the weapon however, running Tw0 Fang with an Unkempt Harold with a "Double Penetrating" prefix can chew through ammo quickly. The pistol is a popular choice weapon for Salvador with the double penetrating prefix as Divergent Likeness and I'm Your Huckleberry can boost its damage as well as reload speed, and when properly invested into a pistol build for Salvador, he can make short work of enemies and bosses. As long as the projectiles have begun splitting, regardless of progression, a full hit will do damage as though a full spread of 7 had connected. Shots fired from this pistol split slowly (in a 3-5-7 pattern) into seven after traveling a certain distance.

    bordertool 2 pearlescent

    The Unkempt Harold is a deadly pistol that can be used in close and medium-range encounters. Whatever. – Fires 3 shots in an accelerating horizontal spread that split twice to create four additional projectiles. The new pack that includes the new Ultimate Vault Hunter mode, the level cap increase to level 61, and the new pearlescent items costs $5 on the PlayStation store, or Microsoft's equivalent of 400 MS points on Xbox Live.Did I fire six shots, or only five? Three? Seven. The new pearlescent items will be shown in aquamarine text, and will output damage far greater than the orange text legendary items, although they will be a lot harder to come by.

    bordertool 2 pearlescent

    Not only will the pearlescent tier items have far better stats when compared to other guns at its level, but the pearlescent guns have level requirements all the way up to level 61. The new items will have their own 'pearlescent' item tier, putting them at a higher rank than the previous orange weapons. The new items will help players level up their Vault hunter past level 50 and on to level 61, whilst still having a chance at the new hardest game mode, the Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. With a new level cap increase incoming, and an increased difficultly level being added, Borderlands is in need with some new weapons, and Gearbox has just shown off some photos of some high-end gear that will be available in the game after their latest patch.

    Bordertool 2 pearlescent